Fundraising: A True Story

Fundraising: A True Story

I just came across this video from Bloomerang TV. Steven Shattuck, Bloomerang TV’s host, and John Lepp from Agents of Good bring up some great points about an important aspect of fundraising.

I’ve never met John Lepp. He’s not a client. I guess he’s a colleague. But before this afternoon, I’d never heard of him. And I love everything John Lepp has to say.

Direct mail is most powerful when we make donors feel like heroes. It allows us to empower people and…

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Only Pick Two

Only Pick Two

Have you ever seen one of those triangular diagrams asking you to “only pick two” of three seemingly essential options?

Sometimes they’re used to represent a college student’s painstaking decision of how to spend their very limited free time on activities like studying, sleep, or socializing. 

Bill Jacobs posted a diagram on the Analytical Ones website that applies to business and fundraising (or almost anything). 

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Have We Found the Recipe for Fundraising Success?

Andrew Fegley takes a really interesting look at the rapid evolution direct mail is undergoing in his article, How Chief Marketing Officers Can Innovate With Direct Mail, on

Data and technology are being used in new and exciting ways we hadn’t dreamed possible just ten or fifteen years ago. I wrote a little bit about one example of this in my last blog.

As Andrew notes, we’re constantly improving how we use data to appeal to the right people.

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Ben Franklin: Founding Father of the Fundraising Ask?

We’ve long lived in a do-it-yourself culture.

Though we teach our children the value of teamwork from a young age--we also tend to see independence as a sign of strength and capability.

Conversely, we could as easily view those who constantly ask for favors and help as needy, selfish, or helpless.  Maybe this is why we’re so uncomfortable asking for help: we don’t want others to think we’re greedy or weak.

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Entitled Boomers, cynical Gen X-ers, and those darn self-obsessed Millennials: who’s right when it comes to generational giving?

Rotary phones to smart phones.  Commodores to MacBooks.  8-tracks to MP3 players.  The world is always changing for each new generation.

But one thing that may never change is the all-out war between them: from the music they listen to, the clothes they wear, their schooling, jobs, hobbies, and even they way they talk, practically EVERYTHING is up for criticism when one generation decides to start talking about another.

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