Up for Review: The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communication
I’m always on the lookout for interesting books about fundraising. So, I thought I’d share one of my favorites with you.
Whether you’re a fundraising newcomer or grizzled veteran, The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communication by Jeff Brooks is a great handbook to have sitting on your desk.
It’s a quick read, clocking in at just under 150 pages. Chapters are short, well organized, and often divided into subsections. This makes it easy to quickly track down relevant passages when writing a direct mail letter or planning a campaign.
Brooks takes a close look at everything from writing copy to art design. His tips for style and content are particularly insightful. But a cluster of chapters, called “the Mental Game of Fundraising,” is what sets The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communication apart from similar handbooks.
So often authors only confront the technical aspects of writing. But in this section, Brooks examines how donors react to fundraising and the mindset fundraisers should adopt. It’s clear Brooks has honed his ideas through years of experience and extensive testing. Giving this section a look-over before sitting down to write a fundraising letter can really help put your head in the right place.
The author’s style and voice also really stood out to me and made the book especially enjoyable. He uses a similar style to his fundraising copy. A couple of the chapter titles say it all -- “Make It Easy to Read” and “Keep It Simple.”
Fundraising clearly brings Brooks a lot of joy. For him, it’s as much an art form as it is a playground. The name of the podcast he hosts is “Fundraising is Beautiful” for goodness sake! This is a man who recognizes the positive impact fundraising can have on the world -- and that you can have fun doing it. (Dad joke incoming) Some might call it fun-raising.
It’s fascinating such a talented writer and fundraiser devotes so much time to instructing others. He’s written three books, hosts a podcast, and maintains a couple blogs – all dedicated to fundraising. Such commitment is a testament to the author and his book.